Piano Lessons in Jackson, NJ

Different Teaching Strategies for Different Learning Styles

Sunday, August 7, 2022 by Elena Papavero | Lessons

Every person possesses multiple intelligences at varying levels. This means that each piano student learns music in multiple ways. An understanding of how you process information will determine the learning activities that will serve you best.

Here are some examples of learning activities matched to dominant intelligences.

Musical – Rhythmic: creating patterns, humming; play on a different instrument.

Visual – Spatial: Highlight scores, associate musical eras to the art and architecture of that era, often more white space in a score is helpful, thinking in intervals.

Verbal – Linguistic: theory books and worksheets, lyrics, rhythmic words, writing, journaling, reading about music.

Logical – Mathematical: The symbolic nature of music is natural here. Score analysis, rhythmic and melodic pattern recognition, and a visual lesson plan.

Bodily – Kinesthetic: Move, clap, tap, dance, and conduct.

Inter-personal: Group learning, cooperative work, partner and buddy lessons. Individual students can collaborate with others virtually.

Intra-personal: Fewer visual distractions, practice with eyes closed, journaling and individual goal setting, internal beat games.

Naturalistic: Step outdoors, observe bird song, find patterns in nature, learn music with nature themes

You can find your dominant intelligences (or that of your child) by taking a test such as the one found here.

Multiple Intelligence Quiz

This information can help us work together to choose learning activities that are effective and enjoyable.