Piano Lessons in Jackson, NJ

How Do I Find A Good Piano Teacher?

Wednesday, September 7, 2022 by Elena Papavero | Lessons

How Do I Find A Good Piano Teacher?

The student/teacher relationship is special. Finding the right teacher makes all the difference in progress and enjoyment. Here are some tips on making your choice.

What Are Your Goals?

Each student has unique experience and needs. 

Are you a beginner? Perhaps you’re looking to improve your skills?

Clarify your objectives and write them down. 

Different Learners, Different Styles

A good piano teacher tailors a personalized curriculum depending on the student’s goals, commitment and learning style.

If the learner is a beginner, find a piano teacher with an understanding of elementary piano pedagogy. The instructor will use creative games and activities, while also providing rigorous and engaging lessons.

For beginners, the music style favored by the teacher is of less importance; this is the time that the fundamentals are instilled. However, ask the teacher what their favored style is. Do they favor Classical, Jazz or Pop? Matching your interests to their preference can ensure that you will be exposed to the music history and artists that will inspire you to progress and fully enjoy your learning experience.

Online or Virtual Lessons?

I strongly prefer in-person lessons for beginners. This is the time when posture, hand position and other technique learnings are best accomplished through proximate demonstration and manipulation. I have succeeded with virtual lessons for more advanced study. But in my experience, in-person instruction remains superior.

Look for a Piano Instructor

You will find instructors using Google And Facebook searches. You can also ask for referrals from local piano stores.

Ask questions about the instructor’s teaching style. Assess your comfort level with the teacher.

It’s important for both student and teacher to determine that they are a good fit. Schedule a consultation lesson before you make a long-term commitment. You can see the teacher in action and discuss your goals and expectations.

If your personalities work well together and the teacher understands and can help you meet your goals, your decision is made!

Different Teaching Strategies for Different Learning Styles

Sunday, August 7, 2022 by Elena Papavero | Lessons

Every person possesses multiple intelligences at varying levels. This means that each piano student learns music in multiple ways. An understanding of how you process information will determine the learning activities that will serve you best.

Here are some examples of learning activities matched to dominant intelligences.

Musical – Rhythmic: creating patterns, humming; play on a different instrument.

Visual – Spatial: Highlight scores, associate musical eras to the art and architecture of that era, often more white space in a score is helpful, thinking in intervals.

Verbal – Linguistic: theory books and worksheets, lyrics, rhythmic words, writing, journaling, reading about music.

Logical – Mathematical: The symbolic nature of music is natural here. Score analysis, rhythmic and melodic pattern recognition, and a visual lesson plan.

Bodily – Kinesthetic: Move, clap, tap, dance, and conduct.

Inter-personal: Group learning, cooperative work, partner and buddy lessons. Individual students can collaborate with others virtually.

Intra-personal: Fewer visual distractions, practice with eyes closed, journaling and individual goal setting, internal beat games.

Naturalistic: Step outdoors, observe bird song, find patterns in nature, learn music with nature themes

You can find your dominant intelligences (or that of your child) by taking a test such as the one found here.

Multiple Intelligence Quiz

This information can help us work together to choose learning activities that are effective and enjoyable.

Why 45-Minute Lessons?

Friday, May 20, 2022 by Elena Papavero | Lessons

Welcome to Pianorama!

I offer lessons at a minimum of 45 minutes for most ages, although I do make an exception for very young children.

This allows for a well-rounded music education.


Much can be accomplished during a typical 45-minute lesson plan.   

5 minutes: Warm-Up

  • Scales, arpeggios, chords played in different ways
  • Technique - developing finger strength and dexterity
  • Interactive learning (flash cards, games, etc.)

15 minutes: Review

  • Play the prepared lesson and set new goals for any part of the music that will be continued into the next week of practicing (usually 2-3 pieces)
  • Work on any issues to move the lesson forward
  • Play duet sections with the prepared pieces

20 minutes: New Material or Theory

  • Introduce new music and/or new section of current pieces
  • Have student listen to and read through new pieces
  • Analyze the written part of piece (theory) and music history about composer and style
  • Improvise or compose for fun and theory discovery

5 minutes: Wrap Up

  • Discuss progress and reward student
  • Detail goals for the coming week

For young students, 45 minutes allows time for off-the-bench activities. The lesson plan would look different, but would be very full. Repetitive games and physical activities are vital for keeping the lesson pace moving and giving the diverse experiences that match the sense of play and shorter attention spans of young learners. 

Note that a 45-minute lesson can go quickly and may not be sufficient for repertoire beyond the second year and recital program preparation. 

60-minute lessons bring a huge improvement. I strongly encourage longer lesson times, especially for fourth-level students or students who lack the time to practice and integrate the lesson material.

My teaching philosophy gives more lesson details.